
Improve Your Health Through Purposeful Breathing




Breath is the most common denominator of all human beings; it is your Life Force. Breathing is your will to live and your life insurance. Purposeful breathing is empowering, pain relieving, and energy giving.

Nothing so arouses our primal instincts as not being able to breathe.

Learning to control your breathing is a key to mental, physical, and emotional health. Breathing exercises change the chemistry of the brain. Different breath patterns are used for different purposes: some soothe and stabilize, some stir and energize, and some release and relax.

You can easily learn to change the rate, depth, and quality of your breathing. You can use your breath consciously for personal development and the healing of disease. Focused breathing helps you feel better, live better, and work better!


Right breathing affects your Respiratory System and helps improve asthma, sinus problems, headaches, allergies, coughs, colds, and lung conditions. Oxygen is miracle food. Purposeful breathing also:

strengthens the immune system . . . raises energy levels . . . builds endurance

expands memory . . . soothes the nervous system . . .increases focus

stimulates creativity . . . cleanses blood cells . . . improves circulation

acts as an anti-depressant . . . lowers blood pressure . . . decreases anger

reduces cravings and addictions . . . burns fat . . . eases fears, phobias, and panic attacks

balances emotions . . . helps regulate sleep . . . slows the aging process


NOTE: If at any time you feel dizzy, lightheaded or experience shortness of breath, stop exercising and rest. NEVER PRACTICE WHILE OPERATING A MOVING VEHICLE. Consult a physician before undertaking any new exercise program.